0121 607 8165


Principal:Steve Butler, Chartered Surveyor

Warwick Rd, Solihull B91 3DA

8.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday 

Follow @chartedsurveyor




RICS Expert Witness Reports Solihull West Midlands

Expert Reports are often prepared for:

Disputes with builders and other contractors
Where a person does not have capacity and is under the protection of the courts.
Matrimonial disputes.
Bankruptcy and insolvency
Lease renewal and other landlord and tenant disputes.
Negligent mortgage valuations and surveys.


CPR Part 35 (Civil Procedure Rules):

Expert Reports for County Court are prepared in a special format ensuring that the Surveyor has for filled his duty to act impartially on behalf of the court. They also ensure that matters that the Surveyor has decided for him self, matters of fact and opinion and information received from other parties are all clearly explained to the court.

Steve Butler can also attend the Court to give evidence if the circumstances of the case require.



Independent Expert RICS Surveyors Solihull West Midlands

RICS Expert Valuation Boundary and Defective Workmanship Reports Solihull West Midlands

Building and Structural Surveyors in Leicester - Coventry - Birmingham - Wolverhampton - Stoke on Trent - Sheffield - Derby - Nottingham